Friday, September 28, 2007


Started my fashion design classes in FIT four weeks ago. We started drawing croquis. I never did it before. It's very different as the life drawing I have done. It was more flat kind of drawing technique. It's like smash something to a flat surface.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

South Beach Diet

I have been having granola bars of south beach diet for my breakfast. It's so called high protein cereal bar. It is actually pretty tasty and very convenient.

This is the world of diet. We are all so afraid of gaining weight. hummm, maybe not all of us. We saw so many people who are size 20 and still have nonstop french fry. haha.

I found this bar from local supermarket. I was looking for some sort of protein bar but they don't really have any protein bar. Suddenly, I found this bar without cholesterol which is my major concern on my diet now.

I really like the taste. I am not trying to lose weight. It's just really good and easy to access. ha

Monday, September 03, 2007

Shaking Image

Most of people would think this is a bad image and then discard from the camera. I discovered the shaking image when I was in college. I joined the photography club in college. One year, we were preparing the final exhibition. My friend looked at my film strips. He found this shaking image that a guy who was hitting the ball in the baseball field. It was an accident. And, the shade of shaking was quiet well. He suggested me to develop to the picture which I did. And, it looked a great. That was the first time I found the kind of image looked very interesting if you were lucky to capture in the right direction. I had that in black and white picture. Just a thought!

June, Two years ago.

I like the clear image. Blue sky with small objects. This was the one. I was searching some images for my homework in my first class due on Wednesday. I really like this one.


Was in Arizona in June. Very different than east coast. It has a lot of flat land, cactus, little people. It was sunset. It's kind of a quiet setting we can see from calendar. Pretty real.

I actually like this except endless driving. :p

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Wentworth Miller

I went to connexion yesterday. I read an article about Wentworth Miller. There is a rumor flying around. And they got a picture that he hang with Luck Macfarlane. So I try to look into the whole thing.

For those people who don't know who is Wentworth Miller. He is a TV start from "Prison Break". You know everyone has fantasy about prison. lol And, he is certainly one of a kind.

I found two things that are very interesting. One is he is a mixed race. He didn't look like one. Second, he graduated from Princeton so he definitely is very smart. He wrote the thesis for gender identity for his graduation. Hummm, this is a very interesting point. He said because he is mixed race, he want to discuss more about identity issue. But, What I know that people who really get into gender identity know.

I guess it's hard to be in the entertainment. We all thought America is libral and free of land. I felt here is also very conservative that two strong power collide.

I start to like him a lot. Let's see what will happen