Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Little Miss Sunshine

I thought people don't go to see movies on Monday night. Surprisingly, The movie theater was pretty crowded. Simone, my movie buddy, and I went to Union Square to see "Little Miss Sunshine" last night.

The movie started from Frank leaving hospital after he tried to attempt to suicide. We immediately found out this is a dysfunctional family. A little sweet girl wanted to compete "little miss sunshine" as a pageant but she looks so geeky. A brother doesn't want to talk. He wrote everything on his pad. A loser dad who taught people how to be a winner instead of a loser. An encourging mom with hope of the family. A druggie grandpa. And, a suicide uncle. What an interesting combination in a road trip.

Everyone is not perfect. We all have our weekness but there is always hope in our mind and our life. It's how you see not what you see.

As the movie went on, I specifically liked two scenes in the movie. One was the girl asked her grandpa "Ain't I pretty?" Her grandpa said "You are the most beautiful girl in the world." And, then she asked "Do you think I will be a winner or a loser?" He said to her "If you have courage to get on stage, you are the winner. It's your attempt and motivation, not that piece of jewel." And then the other scence was the brother talked to the uncle how he would achieve his flying goal even he is color blind.

Winner/Loser was the issue going through the whole movie. The dad, Richard, always takes life very seriously and defines people who is the winner, who is the loser. The mom is opposite. It made me think we all like to judge people and define people by what they do. We hardly give people a deeper look and see who he really is. I really like mom's encouraging attitude. It made me warm.

I love that VW small bus. It looks like a toy. And, how they ride them...Hilarious. You should go to see the movie.

I like the move that gives us the hope. Like the name of the movie, Little Miss Sunshine. Whatever outside is pouring, if your heart has sunshine, everything would be fine.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Big Fish II

Hi Hi, I am back. I have been procrastinating for a month. Now, Here i am again. I think writing is so much fun although the language part of my brain doesn't function very well. It means I am very bad with all the languages I have learned. I remembered my college time in Taiwan. One time, I was speaking to my professor and suddenly he asked me "are you foreigned born? you have an accent.". I was like "what a hell". I was born in Taiwan and never left the island before that. Anyway, it's a joke.

I found some comments in my blog and friends sent me emails. I felt happy someone actually read them. Please bear my poor english.

After I posted "Big Fish", I walked by the site I took the picture as you all can see from the blog with a friend of mine, who lives here for a long time. I mentioned to him what I observed. He said it used to be meaned you can get the drugs near by. Haha, how fascinating!! So I start laughing. It was totally opposite. But, there are some similarities in between. They all experienced some kind of heaven-like effects.