Monday, December 18, 2006

A week before Christmas

Finally, I got my Christmas tree yesterday. I don't know that well in Bronx yet so I have been waiting for my neighbor to get trees together. We went up to Fordham road. That was the most excited thing I did in whole weekend.

I have been working a lot. It made me totally grumpy for the moment. I haven't done any Christmas shopping. Everything was far behind. It's very sucks. Most of catering work will be end of this week. Then, I will be able to relax a little bit. And, my mood will feel better. That's why everyone needs to have some rest in between.

I started decorating my tree. My cousin and aunt sent me the ornaments from Taiwan. They are qiote different as I can find here. It's so much fun to hang all the stuffs on the tree. But, it's kind of lonely to hang alone. I guessed I wasn't grown up in a religious family like most of American did. So, I don't have too much feeling about it. Christmas for me is more commercial to me than the meaning from religion.

Hope I can have some help next year when I have a tree again. :)

Thursday, December 07, 2006


I was flopping my notebook today. I saw winter is starting within 2 weeks. It's kind of depressed to read that notion. It means I will have to suffer in itching situation for another several months, my dry skin problem. The daylight is getting shorter. I feel like when I get out of the studio every night, I can't really see anything clearly anymore. I always wanted to rush myself home and relaxed.

Christmas is on the corner as well. Christmas is one of my favorite holiday although I am not religious at all. When I passed by Macy's everyday now, it's always crowded as hell. It's a shopping season, Christmas gifts and everything. I didn't need to shop that much for my family like last year. It's kind of losing fun before Christmas. But, I am still getting my Christmas tree this year soon. I love Christmas tree. The smell of the Christmas tree in the apartment is like perfume spray in the air. It never ends. I missed it. I just need to find it around the neighbor.

One of my coworker told the other coworker he needs to find a date before Christmas. This is a funny effect that when winter time comes, specially Christmas is on the corner, everyone feels like cuddling becomes the most important thing to do in the life. It's cold outside, so basically, cuddling is the best thing to do. Besides, Parties are all over the city. It's hard to go out without a partner or a date. Ahhhh, winter time effect.

I guess this world was never design for single. I took a class in college, named Single. It was very interesting to read the study of single effect. And, how inconvenient the world is against to single.

Wish everyone finds their dream date before Christmas! It would be nice. Happiness!