Monday, October 02, 2006

Wedding Event

I went to work for a catering job yesterday. It was a wedding event for the evening. Lately, I have been reluctant to work for the catering company. I am kind of tired and overworking everyday. Besides, I am preparing my nursing dress project. The life is kind of very stressful. I don't control my mood very well. No love life either. :(

The catering jobs I had in past couple of months were mostly wedding events. I got the chances to see how Americans' weddings like. It was very interesting. It is totally different aswe had in Taiwan. American weddings are more party oriented including the dinner and dancing. In Taiwan, the weddings tend to be more like a serious dinner event. Eating and eating. And, Champagne toast was the very important part in American Wedding. It forms the completeness of the wedding.

When I am getting older, I start to see things differently. I never thought about the wedding is the meaningful binding until recently. What you got was the advantange of the legal binding. After I worked for many wedding, my world is changed. There were some sparkling moments in the events. People cry when they get married. It's the joy that was surrendered them. They might not awared of it but the affection they expressed was impeccable.

The wedding was in a gay couple's house yesterday. The house was amazing. It's huge. Really huge. There is the view of Manhattan skyline. They have two kids. They must make like millions to support the life style they have now. The house can easily fit in 80 people without any problem. This was the first time I met gay couple with kids in real life. It was vey interesting. When kids call daddies, you know love is no border. Gay people are good parents.

Wedding ceremony is a ritual. People create the environment to feel sanctuaried. Like most of ceremonies, it made the life meaningful. Religion is also like this. :)


At 10/04/2006 6:10 AM, Blogger Chez Buzenval said...

I don't know what your religion is, but that's definitely too PINK ! I kill my eyes to read this post. You know what?! You are a bad guy now ! :o)

At 10/05/2006 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so sublimely intelligent and thoughtful, Ken :) It makes me happy to know that you are out there in the mendacious world taking note of the quieter aspects of life...

I will be overjoyed the day I can classify you as my close friend...

At 10/05/2006 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the text is too light to read!


At 10/05/2006 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the text is too light to read!


At 10/05/2006 11:14 PM, Blogger Ken said...

I thought pink was for wedding. I changed the color. Hope you guys read easily. :) I forgot how to change background color. Pink was the color in War World II that Naci gave to gay people. Sorry everyone who tried to read them.

At 10/06/2006 4:41 AM, Blogger Chez Buzenval said...

You don't have to sorry. Don't forget that we can always excuse the bad guy ! LOL


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