Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Dog Sitting

I am dog sitting Patrick, a Maltese, in my friend's house right now. Patrick is a very special dog. He has a very kind face. And, he loves to play with people. The more people in the room, the happier he will be.

He is on special diet because he is allergied to chicken, beef. All sort of meats. I found it's very interesting. Most of dogs are food crazy. They wouldn't leave you unless they got some food from you. Patrick learned the hard lesson from his allergy. He doesn't like to touch any food at all. Everytime when I tried to feed him, it would take him for a while to finish his food. Amazing right?

He loves people playing with him. When I watch TV, he would just lay on my side like a stuff animal and looks very innocent. The only problem was when I walking him, he couldn't meet with other dogs. He would become very aggressive. I got bit from him one time because I tried to hold him not to attach another dogs. And, he didn't really know what was going on. He thought there was another dog who tried to attack him from the side. The other issue
he has is with men who wear long pants. He likes to bite their pants. I don't know what's in his mind but he certainly has some kind of trauma for that.

I may have my own dog one day. before then, I enjoy to take care of Patrick once in a while.


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