Monday, September 11, 2006

Flip-flops Nation

I found there is a very interesting phenomena in summer in New York. Everyone in New York loves to wear flip-flops. It's like 80% of New Yorker wear flip-flops to go everywhere in Summer. When I was in San Francisco, I hardly see anyone who wear flip-flops. I was totally surprised. It's not my part of California image at all. I always feel California people are surfers so everyone wear flip-flops.

We dress more casual in New York now. But, still, I think people should know better about flip-flops. If you really want to wears your flip-flops with your suits, you should definitely get a nice pair of flip-flops. It just shows how lazy people can be.

I love summer. Wearing flip-flops is great but please groom your feet before you wear them. And find a perfect fit of flip-flops for you. Just like you would pick up your cloth carefully. Beauty is an universal language. We all want to have some beautiful things in our eyes.


At 9/13/2006 8:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate flip flops! I always wear nice shoes and make sure to step on other people's flip flops as they walk in front of me clumsily. So unnatractive!

At 9/18/2006 6:07 PM, Blogger Simrose said...

I don't like the feel of the part between the toes. I never wear flip flop.

At 9/18/2006 6:12 PM, Blogger Simrose said...

Ken, You are my eyes to the world. I am totally blind. I need you to show me the world, I can't see it without you. Even when we go to the movies, you always explain the scenery to me. I get totally caught up in the story, you explain the camera angles. Thanks for being my eyes.

At 9/18/2006 6:28 PM, Blogger Simrose said...

Ken, remember we saw "Two Drifters," "Blind Date" and "Vacationland" at the GLBT festival this year. I figured it out. You were right, I was wrong. Thanks.


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