Sunday, September 24, 2006


I saw this movie back in June. It was fantastic. I always have trouble to understand this portion of human being although I really respect anyone who wants to be who they really want. I really like this movie. It exposed the dimension I never thought it before.

It's hard to come out. I guess it's even harder to come out as a transgender. It is all very mysterious to me either
a man who traps in a woman's body or a woman who traps in a man's body. And, then after the sexual change, what gender they really like.

I never met a person who is a transgender to be friend with in my real life. And, it's even harder to imagine I would date someone who is a transgender. I guess I need to more time to understand them first.

I am very stubborn about whom I like. I think it's a good thing also it might be a bad thing. I felt like sometime I suffered a lot because of that. It's the life. Right? Don't you agree? We all look for nearly the perfect thing in our life. It's worth to wait whatever will happen.

(In a memory to an event that happened to me on Friday!!)


At 9/24/2006 5:57 PM, Blogger Chez Buzenval said...

Dear Ken, I read your blog with lots of pleasure. It's strange that both of us have left our country behind us and now we are living the second part of our lives in the different continents. I'm in Paris and you are in NY. So strange... Hope that one day I'll do have the chance to go visiting you there. Before that, I'll be good and try to come to read your words very often. Kisses Maurice.

At 10/03/2006 10:07 PM, Blogger Ken said...

Maurice, Thank you for the comments. I am so happy that we can get in touch again. It's been so many years. We all live in the different life now. But, we still the same person. right?

At 10/04/2006 4:47 PM, Blogger Chez Buzenval said...

Yes. I don't change and it seems to me that you are also the same big handsome gentle boy. That's nice ! :o)


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