Monday, January 08, 2007

New Year Resolution

We are getting older every year. I always think I should have a prompt resolution for every year. I ended up having none.

It' 2007. I have been in New York for 8 years. It's kind of a second home to me now. I haven't been in Taiwan for so long. I hardly remembered a thing in Taiwan. Friends told me it is very different right now than when I lived there. Images faded away. Most of friends fell apart. Most of my memories are involved with life here. I am kind of a person who tries not to look back nor stays in the memory.

I feel like a lot of things finally turn to be good now. Congress has a first female house speaker ever( ha, it's really a big deal for American). Democrats are the majority in both houses. It looks very promising that immigrants would get more benefits.

I work in fashion for 3 years now. I still find I have a heart for it although there are still lots of downsides in there. I did learn a lot beyond the school can offer. I saw "Devil wears Prada" first time in last month. It was hilarious and sad. It's very true how they portrait fashion people. We will survive. I have to start my own portfolio soon. I never had one when I start working the place I am working now. I have to think how I can present to people and how I will be perceived.

Ha, this world is all about marketing yourself.

I am quitting a side job so I will have more free time to do my own things. I got a dress form so I don't need to rely on the studio I am working with. Thinking about helping some of my friends to make them some dresses so if anyone ever wants to do that. Let me know. :p

I still don't know what my resolution should be. Relationship is always something we all want when we grew older. But, lol it never comes. Just laugh about it!!!!

Happy new year although it's kind of late. Glad to be alive in 2007


At 1/09/2007 4:32 PM, Blogger Chez Buzenval said...

Keep being happy... and thanks for your wish.

At 1/11/2007 12:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I had a the feeling that I won't see u again soon, but I am very happy for you. Why? It's the first time in a long time that you know what you want in life, and remained consistent. But u need to tell Kony about this, otherwise, she would think that u got fired. Good luck and keep in touch.


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